Availability list

Jack A Rich B Ron T Bob F Dave T Steve B Dennis B Keith O
Ted T Terry L Jeff L Wendell W Scott M Gary S Frank W John H Derek M Craig F Mike P
Scott O Jeff M Chris J Banjo S Todd T Burt G Mark S Mike W Bob B

Comment ...


Still out on fire assignment…..catch up with you next week. Derek


Thanks for your service and stay safe.

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Player 8 11
Coach 0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 0
Total In 8 Out 11
Previous / Next In Out
Game Thu, Aug 22 at 09:00 AM 14 7
Game Thu, Aug 29 at 09:00 AM 8 12
Game Thu, Sep 5 at 09:00 AM 8 11
Game Thu, Sep 12 at 09:00 AM 13 5
Game Thu, Sep 19 at 09:00 AM 8 15

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